Combat your asthma and allergies with your HVAC system

Heating and Air Conditioning Strategies that can Reduce Asthma and Other Breathing Issues in Chapel Hill, NC

Asthma and other breathing issues can be scary, potentially dangerous, and all around unpleasant. You may have to take medications or carry around an inhaler, avoid certain activities, and stay indoors during high pollen counts. You probably have to dust and vacuum often, avoid pets and smoke, wash sheets regularly, and worry about mildew in your shower. But, did you know that there are strategies you can use with your heating and air conditioning to combat asthma and other breathing conditions? Boer Brothers Heating & Cooling can help! Read on to find out more…

Clean and Change Your Air Filters – Chapel Hill Homeowners

For people that have asthma, it’s a must that you run your air conditioner instead of leaving the doors and windows open. As long as you keep your home clean, the indoor air will be cleaner than the air outdoors. When you run your air conditioner, the air passes through your return grills and is filtered by the disposable filters at the filter grill or some type of filter at the indoor air handler or furnace.  If you do not change or clean your filters, dust and debris will build up on your indoor coil. This can cause poor airflow, reduced system efficiency, leaks in the coil, and potentially system failure. This is why it is so important to change your filters regularly. How often should you change your filter? Click Here for more details.

Clean Ductwork

The air that circulates throughout your home moves through your A/C system’s ductwork before it enters your home.  If your ductwork is dirty or leaking; you may want to consider having your ductwork checked by a professional and cleaned if necessary.

HEPA Filters

HEPA (high-energy particulate air) filtration systems are a great way to fight off dust and allergens. It is an added layer of protection that is especially beneficial to asthma and other respiratory illness sufferers. These filters are designed to capture microscopic particles of dust and pollutants.

UV Lights

Ultraviolent lights are typically placed near the coils of your air conditioner. They can help reduce the growth of mold and bacteria in the air that passes through your air conditioner’s duct system. They are great for warm, humid climates in the southeast.  They can also be a solution for odors, dander, and other air allergens.

Electronic Air Purifiers

You can also purchase electronic air purifiers that work with your HVAC system. Every time you run your air conditioner, this filtration system traps and kills the pollutants. They are a great solution for whole-home filtration.

Dehumidifiers or Humidifiers

If you struggle with too much humidity in your home you may want to invest in a dehumidifier. Mold is a common allergen and thrives in warm, humid environments. Have your highly trained technician from Boer Brothers Heating & Cooling check for damp conditions in your house, crawlspaces, basement, and attic. Seal cracks and holes in ductwork and purchase a dehumidifier.

In some cases, the air in your home is too dry, especially during the winter months when you run your furnace. Pollutants linger in the air. In this case you may want to run a humidifier. If you need moisture throughout your entire home, consider a humidifier that is a whole-home humidifier. It will provide moisture to your entire home instead of just one room.

Contact the trained professionals at Boer Brothers about your home’s air quality.   They can help inform you and provide the best heating and air conditioning solution for your home.

Regular Maintenance Schedule in Chapel Hill and DurhamAlways keep to your regular maintenance schedule. Your service technician from Boer Brothers will ensure your system is clean and performing at its best.  A regular maintenance schedule should be your first line of defense against furthering asthma symptoms. During the winter and early spring your air conditioner doesn’t run very much. Instead, it gets dusty and dirty. Once temperatures warm and you run your air conditioner, you’re just blowing dirt and dust into your home. You can prevent that by scheduling your spring/summer maintenance visit. The same thing happens during the summer and early fall. Your furnace has gone unused and collects dirt and dust. It blows into your home when you start it up. A fall maintenance visit will ensure your furnace is clean and ready for those cooler nights.