Goodbye Paris Accord… Hello Carrboro, Durham, Chapel Hill Accord

Here at Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling we have become increasing concerned and active in our limiting our impact on the environment. We realize that for real change to happen it must begin at home and at work.  As a responsible company and as concerned citizens we are seeking to grow around principles of sustainability

Our impact on the environment comes in four major flavors

  1. Our use of vehicles to travel to and from customers’ homes
  2. Our installation of heating and cooling systems that in turn use energy to create heat and cooling
  3. Our use of refrigerants and metal products
  4. Our facilities use of energy and paper products

Here is what we are doing about it

  • We recycle the metals that are used
  • We recycle all of the recovered refrigerants, helping to protect the ozone from depletion
  • Our vehicles are purchased and maintained with higher MPG’s for efficient gas mileage (pump up those tires!)
  • Smart routing practices are implemented to use the minimum amount of fuel for service visits
  • Our facility has programmable thermostats that we use to reduce energy usage and maintain optimal air quality
  • Low energy light bulbs are used throughout our facility
  • We encourage and create incentives for  customers to choose higher efficiency comfort systems and programmable thermostats for long term energy use reduction and cost savings
  •  We seal Your Heating and Cooling Ducts Improve your home’s duct system to increase your HVAC system’s overall performance and efficiency.